Founded in 1967 the Oldland Players are a group in the Bristol area, who've been creating quality community theatre for over 50 years.
'Leading Ladies' by Ken Ludwig
15th - 17th June 2023
"Jack" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Jack" - Stephen Coles and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Leo" - Simon Crutchley and "Jack" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Leo" - Simon Crutchley and "Jack" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Doc" - Rod Lovell and "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Meg" - Ev Milker and "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Meg" - Ev Milker and "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Meg" - Ev Milker and "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Florence" - Gill Lewisohn and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Florence" - Gill Lewisohn and "Duncan" - Matthew Deering in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Duncan" - Matthew Deering and "Meg" - Ev Milker in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Leo" - Simon Crutchley and "Meg" - Ev Milker in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Leo" - Simon Crutchley and "Meg" - Ev Milker in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Butch" - Ollie Cuenca; Doc" - Rod Lovell and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca; "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Jack" - Stephen Coles and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Butch" - Ollie Cuenca and "Doc" - Rod Lovell in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Jack" - Stephen Coles and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Meg" - Ev Milker; "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley; "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca and "Doc" - Rod Lovell in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Maxine" - Simon Crutchley; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca; "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Florence" - Gill Lewisohn; "Duncan" - Matthew Deering; “Audrey” – Anna Vigor and "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Florence" - Gill Lewisohn; "Duncan" - Matthew Deering; “Audrey” – Anna Vigor and "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
“Audrey” – Anna Vigor and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
“Audrey” – Anna Vigor and "Doc" - Rod Lovell in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Duncan" - Matthew Deering and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and "Doc" - Rod Lovell in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and "Doc" - Rod Lovell in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and "Doc" - Rod Lovell in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
“Audrey” – Anna Vigor and "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Leo" - Simon Crutchley and "Meg" - Ev Milker in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Maxine" - Simon Crutchley and "Meg" - Ev Milker in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Meg" - Ev Milker and "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley; "Meg" - Ev Milker and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley; "Meg" - Ev Milker and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles; "Maxine" - Simon Crutchley; "Meg" - Ev Milker and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
"Stephanie" - Stephen Coles and “Audrey” – Anna Vigor in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
“Audrey” – Anna Vigor; "Florence" - Gill Lewisohn; "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Duncan" - Matthew Deering and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
“Audrey” – Anna Vigor; "Florence" - Gill Lewisohn; "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Duncan" - Matthew Deering and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
“Audrey” – Anna Vigor; "Florence" - Gill Lewisohn; "Butch" - Ollie Cuenca "Doc" - Rod Lovell; "Meg" - Ev Milker; "Leo" - Simon Crutchley; "Duncan" - Matthew Deering and "Stephanie" - Stephen Coles in the Oldland Players production of Ken Ludwig's 'Leading Ladies' in June 2023.
This amateur production of ''Leading Ladies" is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.
For even more images from 'Leading Ladies' click here