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'And Then There Were None' 

 by Agatha Christie


June 2015


One of Agatha Chrisitie's most famous mysteries sees a group of strangers arrive on a remote island. One by one they are killed off, each according to a rhyme over the fireplace.


Who is the killer and who can you trust?


Full cast "And then there were none"

Full cast "And then there were none"

Anthony Marston relaxes

Anthony Marston relaxes

Miss Rogers collapses

Miss Rogers collapses

The final standoff - Vera and Philip

The final standoff - Vera and Philip

Judge Wargrave presiding

Judge Wargrave presiding

Dinner is delayed

Dinner is delayed

Edith Rogers  (Hannah Johnson), Mrs. Rogers  (Kathryn Dyer), Freda Narracott  (Christine Cooke), Vera Claythorne  (Vikie Meachin), Philip Lombard  (Matt Cotton), Anthony Marston  (Daniel Johnson), William Blore  (Steve Coles), General Mackenzie  (Martin Whittaker), Emily Brent  (Gill Lewisohn), Sir Lawrence Wargrave  (Simon Crutchley), Dr. Armstrong  (Kelvin Buck)


Director: John Mills

The adjudication for this show, as well as those for many others, is available in the members’ section of the site

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